Finding Rest in the Call

Finding Rest in the Call
There are two things Christians and non Christians have in common… both are uptight about evangelism. Non Christians are uptight about being evangelized and Christians are uptight about evangelizing… Pastor Greg Laurie, Harvest Church.
The work of carrying the Good News into the world can be difficult. In the culture we live in today, there is a stigma around it. We are called to the work… That our faith is lived out in the world, however, does the world want to hear it?
It can be daunting, discouraging, and even a bit isolating as we go through our everyday lives. But there is more to the Christian life and evangelism than “Go and tell.” Jesus calls us, and the listening world to come. Within the Gospel Matthew, Jesus is recorded as saying:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).
We are called to go and tell the Good News… But we are also called to invite those who hear us to come and see… To find the relief that is in the name of Jesus… Where we also can find relief when we feel downtrodden, isolated, or discouraged.
The call to evangelism can be as simple as sharing something that Jesus has done in our lives with someone else. It is a call to go and tell them something that has changed your life, but also to come and see all that Jesus has done in your life. It gives us an opportunity to come alongside someone who may be hurting and give them hope.
The work of evangelism is no easy task, but if we learn from Jesus we can remember that we are filled with the Holy Spirit… Shaped by him and given direction and guidance as we are going…
We can also remember that we have a community of people in our corner… the Church… to come alongside us to help answer difficult questions and encourage us through this work…
You may find yourself weary on your walk this week… Come to Jesus and He will give you rest.
Watch Prepare the Way by Bethel Music

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