Outside the Box

There are things in this world that we’ll never understand. Whether that’s physics, calculus, or how many licks it will take to get to the center of a tootsie pop. There is only so much the human mind can understand. And that’s the reality of the holiness of God. He is beyond anything we can think or imagine even though humanity has tried over the centuries to rationalize God. To somehow conceptualize Him in a way that our minds can comprehend. However, when we do that, we’re trying to put God in some kind of a defined box. The reality, though, is that He surpasses all understanding. This is a good thing though.. It’s a wonderful thing. Because His understanding is so much greater than ours. It’s outside of the box we create because He can see the bigger picture of the movement of the world. He sees tomorrow and the day after.

That may seem like He’s so far away from us because we can never understand or come close to Him. But that is far from the truth. When the prophet Isaiah spoke to God’s people, he said, For this is what the high and exalted One says - he who lives forever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite (Isaiah 57:15 NIV).

Yes, God lives in the high and holy place, but He also lives within us. He’s made a way for His people to be in connection with Him through Jesus Christ. His holiness is unmatched and that should fill us with joy because He’s chosen us as His people! To watch over us. To guide us. To lead us because He sees the bigger picture. His name is more than just a name we throw around cause Your's holds power. More than just a faith to talk about and forget Monday morning. Oh my soul don't you forget of the days he never left you. What makes you think that what comes next He's not holding too. You're so good to remind us now that this is your story (Bryan & Katie Torwalt, Alpha Omega).

We are walking in God’s story. The author and perfecter who’s name is above all names has written your name in the plotline. His story is being lived out in you through His love and grace that was poured out in Jesus Christ. So that we can be brought back into communion with Him through the Holy Spirit. His ways are higher. His thoughts are beyond what we can imagine. And yet He chose to live within us as well. He cares about the end of your story. He is the beginning and the end. The Alpha and Omega. The Holy One! Let’s thank Him for His grace and holiness today.

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