Pathway to Purpose

Have you ever watched a plant grow throughout a season? Or even watched a time lapse video of it? Have you ever wondered how it happens? Given all the nutrients and left to itself, a plant will grow. There is nothing to be done. With enough of the right nutrients, growth is automatic. But what happens if you remove one of the necessary elements? Growth stops. Eventually the plant will die.

The same is true for every living human. No one can force our bodies to grow older. They just do. But how we care for them matters. Likewise, Scripture tells us that the church is a body and is just as much alive as our own individual bodies. It, too, requires care to grow. Receiving care for a body of believers means to be connected to our source of life and being in tune with His purpose for us. Through the writings of Paul, God has given a clear message to the church that whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Colossians 3:17 NIV). That road can be hard for a church to survive. There will be many things trying to pull attention away from the primary purpose of the church as a whole as well as the vision of the local body. Paul felt those pressures as he traveled, but the Lord came to him with comfort saying do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent (Acts 18:9 ESV). God promised to be with Paul on his journey to complete the mission God had given him and it gave Paul a drive and passion filled with purpose. At one point he even said I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace (Acts 20:24 NIV).

Paul was burdened with glorious purpose. To testify the good news of Jesus Christ. And God promised to be with Him. God also promises to be with us on our journey as we live out His purpose for our lives. To gather whether in word or deed in the name of Jesus Christ. To grow where we have been planted by being connected to the One who gives life and to go and be disciples that make disciples. As believers, we are called to a great purpose that requires us to stay connected to our source of life. Are you staying connected and fulfilling God’s mission for your life?

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