To Infinity and Beyond
July 25th, 2024
Humanity has been fascinated with the future for a long time. Fortune tellers, Science Fiction, and even the concept of Tomorrowland at Disney Resorts. We want to know what the future will look like. ...  Read More
by Olivet Church
In God We Trust
July 18th, 2024
We put our trust in so many things throughout our days. Trust that our cars will get us from point A to point B. That our electronics will hold up to our schedules and demands of the job. We trust tha...  Read More
by Olivet Church
Run to the Father
July 11th, 2024
Have you ever had a job where everyday felt like a drag. The hours move at a snail's pace. The work is exhaustive. The boss is not very kind. And there are days that you leave there more tired than wh...  Read More
by Olivet Church
It's In the Evidence
July 4th, 2024
The question of God’s existence has been discussed, fought over, and debated for centuries. Throughout Scripture we see His existence being questioned. In recent history there seems to be a resurgence...  Read More
by Olivet Church
Confronting Conflict
June 27th, 2024
Conflict is hard. It can make our insides all twisted. Our palms get sweaty. Our heart starts to race. And if we are honest with ourselves, we just want to run from it most of the time. There are time...  Read More
by Olivet Church
Wielding the Power
June 20th, 2024
At the start of many home renovations, you begin with a process of demolition. You pull out your hammer and drills and begin to tear out the pieces of the project that need replacing. What’s interesti...  Read More
by Olivet Church
In Your Hands
June 13th, 2024
Have you ever wondered what your place in it all was? Where do you fit in? Many of us wrestle with that question for most of our lives. Where to go to school. What my career should be. To put it in th...  Read More
by Olivet Church
The Jesus Way
June 6th, 2024
Living the Jesus way of life is hard. With all of our schedules to do lists. Every ambition that we have. The relationships that float in and out of our lives… And of course the pain and hurt from tho...  Read More
by Olivet Church
Adjustments Needed
May 30th, 2024
I’ve been told to live my own truth. Do whatever makes me feel good. Get rid of boundaries the rules are stifling. Chase good feelings soon we’ll be gone. But I found myself more lost than ever. Ensla...  Read More
by Olivet Church
Investing Today
May 23rd, 2024
Have you ever felt ill-equipped to teach? Tried being in a classroom and it didn’t go well? Or have honestly just felt that there is too much going on in life right now to think how to teach a new gen...  Read More
by Olivet Church
May 16th, 2024
We all have patterns in our lives. What we do when we first wake up. Routes we take to work. Some patterns are good and others not so much. Some are new patterns that we created based on the rhythm of...  Read More
by Olivet Church
Who Gets the Credit?
May 9th, 2024
Quick show of hands (and don’t worry, no one is watching), how many of us have worked tremendously hard on a project or as a team leader to see it through to completion… But then felt a little slighte...  Read More
by Olivet Church