One of the first things that Jesus did as He was beginning His years of ministry was to get water baptized (Matthew 3:13-16). When we get saved and become a follower of Jesus, this is one of the first things that we should do as well. Deciding to follow Jesus is truly an internal heart decision, but water baptism is a public declaration of our faith in Jesus.
Water baptism is also a symbolic act of aligning yourself with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. When we go under the water, we identify with His death, and when we come out of the water, we identify with being raised up to new life like Jesus was. Baptism is a declaration that we are dying to our old way of living and taking on the new life of Jesus. We won’t be perfect or get it all exactly right, but our goal is to leave the sin and disobedience of our past behind and make honoring God and His Word our pursuit.
Water baptism is also a symbolic act of aligning yourself with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. When we go under the water, we identify with His death, and when we come out of the water, we identify with being raised up to new life like Jesus was. Baptism is a declaration that we are dying to our old way of living and taking on the new life of Jesus. We won’t be perfect or get it all exactly right, but our goal is to leave the sin and disobedience of our past behind and make honoring God and His Word our pursuit.