Our mission
The mission of Olivet Church is to be a people who Gather to worship the Living God. To Grow as His disciples through the work of the Holy Spirit. So that we may Go and proclaim the Gospel message of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior out into the community around us and the greater world to see lives transformed through salvation in Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
At Olivet Church, our vision is to create welcoming spaces to Gather, to Grow as disciples, and to Go out as witnesses for the kingdom of God.
Our next steps
The Next Steps of Olivet Church begins with the desire to lean into our mission and vision. That we would be a people who gather as one, grow in relationship with Jesus and each other, and go to fulfill the overarching mission of the Church to share the Good News to all creation (Mark 16:15). We believe that we are to be the witnesses of all we have seen and heard of Jesus Christ and to proclaim that message across our community and world (Acts 1:8).