Connected to the Source

Do you remember the first time you learned a new skill? Whether it was woodworking, dance, communication, or computer programming. Each new skill requires a certain amount of dedication, practice, and frequency. The more we practice, the better we get. The more time that passes between practicing, the harder the skill is to remember. There are even times we have to reteach ourselves because too much time has passed. The truth is faith is the same. Salvation isn’t the end of the journey. It’s the beginning. Going to church once, twice, or even every week isn’t all there is to a life of faith. We have been given skills and passion that are meant to be nurtured in the body of the church to be used for the mission of God. Too often we settle into a coasting rhythm of church life because the rest of our schedule seems crazy. The truth, however, is that we were called to more. We were called into a passionate pursuit of a deep relationship with God and the body of believers. Scripture shows that time again. When Paul was writing his first letter to his young apprentice, Timothy, he wrote to not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you through prophecy when the elders laid hands on you. Work hard at these things; give yourself to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Pay attention to yourself and your teaching, and keep steadily on with them. If you do that, you see, you will save yourself, and those who hear you as well (1 Timothy 4:14-16 NTFE).

Paul says not to neglect the work or the passions you have for God’s mission. That’s hard to do in our day and age. Too many things pull at our attention. It’s more critical now than ever to pay attention to the teachings we have heard and studied. In other words, to remain connected. Jesus once said, abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me (John 15:4 NKJV).

True growth in our relationship with God will only happen the more we stay connected to the source, Jesus. It’s the only way our lives will bear the fruit Paul is describing. It all comes back to Jesus. He’s the one we praise. He’s the power behind the church. He’s the constant through every generation. And the more we abide. That’s to say, the more we put the work in to know God more. The more we realize how much we need Him. So that we can say I wanna dance like David. I wanna faith like Paul. I wanna sing like Silas tearing down the prison walls. I wanna face that fire. It won't burn me though. God's got my back Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego. I wanna walk like Moses. Right through the waves. One day I'll see that promise land, no longer slaves. Though the fear is talkin', no it can't take out my faith. I'm gonna praise (Brandon Lake, That’s Who I Praise).

Every skill takes time. Our relationship with God isn’t any different. But we need to put the work in. The rhythm of our life will reflect where our passion is. Our cadence is determined by where we devote our attention. Where is your attention?

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