We are the Good Stewards
By Eddie Keith
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters” . Psalm 24:1-2
In a time and world that has become increasingly individualistic, it is helpful at times to return to some of the basics and truly understand who we are and where we fit in the world. For many, the word steward misses the mark. It is not one used often outside of the church. Historically, the steward held a very important role within the hierarchy, but came with its own restrictions. The master of the house was free to do as they wished, however, “it is not so with a steward; he is not at liberty to use what is lodged in his hands as he pleases, but as his master pleases. He has no right to dispose of anything which is in his hands, but according to the will of his lord. For he is not the proprietor of any of these things, but barely entrusted with them by another; and entrusted on this express condition, -- that he shall dispose of all as his master orders.” (John Wesley, The Good Steward).
The steward was the overseer of their master’s possession. Humanity was formed in the image of God to be overseers of His creation. We are the stewards… Over all of creation… including our hearts, minds, and spirits. We have been placed in charge of them until we return to the Father and give an account of our lives.
The question begs, are we being Good Stewards of what we have been entrusted? The things we allow to take residence into our hearts, minds and souls… Are they the things of this world and the flesh or are they the things of the Spirit? We have been entrusted with a precious commodity… our souls. To care for and cultivate in the way of the Spirit and the things of God. Let’s find ways to be good stewards this week.
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters” . Psalm 24:1-2
In a time and world that has become increasingly individualistic, it is helpful at times to return to some of the basics and truly understand who we are and where we fit in the world. For many, the word steward misses the mark. It is not one used often outside of the church. Historically, the steward held a very important role within the hierarchy, but came with its own restrictions. The master of the house was free to do as they wished, however, “it is not so with a steward; he is not at liberty to use what is lodged in his hands as he pleases, but as his master pleases. He has no right to dispose of anything which is in his hands, but according to the will of his lord. For he is not the proprietor of any of these things, but barely entrusted with them by another; and entrusted on this express condition, -- that he shall dispose of all as his master orders.” (John Wesley, The Good Steward).
The steward was the overseer of their master’s possession. Humanity was formed in the image of God to be overseers of His creation. We are the stewards… Over all of creation… including our hearts, minds, and spirits. We have been placed in charge of them until we return to the Father and give an account of our lives.
The question begs, are we being Good Stewards of what we have been entrusted? The things we allow to take residence into our hearts, minds and souls… Are they the things of this world and the flesh or are they the things of the Spirit? We have been entrusted with a precious commodity… our souls. To care for and cultivate in the way of the Spirit and the things of God. Let’s find ways to be good stewards this week.
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