To Be Known
July 6th, 2023
One of the greatest challenges is to feel accepted. Whether at work or in our peer groups, we want people to know who we are and invite us in. If we look at the messaging of the day, we are told that ...  Read More
by Olivet Church
He Hears You
July 6th, 2023
What is the value of being heard? It’s what we want in the end isn’t it? And when we don’t feel heard, we begin to become upset or even angry. Being heard is one the most basic human desires…However, ...  Read More
by Olivet Church
Step Up
June 14th, 2023
Too often we are pulled away from the faith and deceived to believe that the ways of the world are better for us. That if I can just accomplish this one thing… or if I can get my list done… Then I wil...  Read More
by Olivet Church
In the Stillness
June 7th, 2023
In the midst of competing priorities and noise in our lives it can be truly difficult to hear the voice of God. We have become accustomed to a constant stream of sensory input. From our phones, to the...  Read More
by Olivet Church
Battle Ready
June 1st, 2023
In this world you will have trouble (John 16:33b). In one way or another, we have all lived out this truth. Everyday brings new challenges to the point that we may feel at war with the world around us...  Read More
by Olivet Church
The Hardest Thing
May 25th, 2023
Taking the next step… Or even a first step in a different direction can be difficult. Often, if you don’t have a plan when you set out, you will never get to where you want to be…Yogi Berra was probab...  Read More
by Olivet Church
A Million Little Miracles
May 18th, 2023
Adversity is a part of life. We face many challenges throughout the day. If you get too caught up in those challenges, we can miss what God is doing in and around those very adversities. Enjoying what...  Read More
by Olivet Church
May 11th, 2023
What sustains you from when you wake up to when you lie down? Food? Coffee? Sustenance is something we don’t often think about until we are deprived of it. When we rummage the pantry for that snack be...  Read More
by Olivet Church
I Am Enough
May 4th, 2023
Chances are there has been a time in your life when it has felt or is feeling like there is just one storm after another swirling around your life. Everyday has brought or is bringing more difficult c...  Read More
by Olivet Church
I See Grace
April 27th, 2023
Do you remember that one time in life you really missed the mark? That time you looked back and felt you couldn’t come back from it?  Micah Tyler wrote a song that speaks to the heart of the feeling. ...  Read More
by Olivet Church
Stand Out
April 17th, 2023
If you grew up in the 1990s like me, life was centered around being the center of attention. If you wanted to be noticed, one had to stand out in the crowd. That your life would be on display with wha...  Read More
by Olivet Church
The Power of Testimony
April 13th, 2023
The conversation around healing can be a difficult one for us. There is pain in our past… Things that can be felt to this day… But if there is one thing we have learned throughout the gospels is that ...  Read More
by Olivet Church