Building Momentum
Have you ever tried to move a large object? It’s difficult. Seems impossible at the start and often requires more energy from you to even move an inch. But what happens once it starts to move? The object begins to pick up speed. You cover more ground and at a faster pace. Momentum is being created. And once you finally get it moving, the job becomes a little easier. You don’t have to use as much energy because you’ve built up the momentum of the object.
Our faith walk is much the same. We all have a default response to the situations around us. When the pressure is on. Or when we are being squeezed, we often revert back to that default setting. What’s your default? What are the things that come out of your mouth or the actions you show when you’re getting squeezed. Jesus said that the words you speak come from the heart (Matthew 15:18 NLT). Too often our default isn’t pretty. And the truth is because we haven’t created enough momentum in our lives. We are still trying to get the ball of our faith journey rolling. Push with all of our own will to see something happen. And so we feel stuck in our faith. We feel stuck in our journey with God. But a question emerges from that. Do you need a reset this year? Is there another way? Paul spent a good deal of time trying to encourage young Timothy on his way through ministry. But through the encouraging words, Paul would constantly return to the same message. In his second letter to Timothy, Paul wrote for him to continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:14-17 NIV).
The more you draw near to Him, the more momentum you will see. Yes it takes a lot of effort to start. You may exert more energy at the beginning to stay consistent until momentum takes over. But He is faithful. He is the one who has brought [you] near. [He] pulled [you] from the ashes. [He has] broken every curse. Blessed redeemer, you have set this captive free. Lord I can't help but sing faithful You are. Faithful forever You will be (Maverick City Music, Yes and Amen).
If you’re feeling stuck or if you need a reset, return to what we have learned. Return to the Scriptures. Read them. Know them. Understand them until they become the default response to situations around you. Over time you will begin to build the momentum of your faith. So that you can, as Paul says, be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:17 NIV).
Our faith walk is much the same. We all have a default response to the situations around us. When the pressure is on. Or when we are being squeezed, we often revert back to that default setting. What’s your default? What are the things that come out of your mouth or the actions you show when you’re getting squeezed. Jesus said that the words you speak come from the heart (Matthew 15:18 NLT). Too often our default isn’t pretty. And the truth is because we haven’t created enough momentum in our lives. We are still trying to get the ball of our faith journey rolling. Push with all of our own will to see something happen. And so we feel stuck in our faith. We feel stuck in our journey with God. But a question emerges from that. Do you need a reset this year? Is there another way? Paul spent a good deal of time trying to encourage young Timothy on his way through ministry. But through the encouraging words, Paul would constantly return to the same message. In his second letter to Timothy, Paul wrote for him to continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:14-17 NIV).
The more you draw near to Him, the more momentum you will see. Yes it takes a lot of effort to start. You may exert more energy at the beginning to stay consistent until momentum takes over. But He is faithful. He is the one who has brought [you] near. [He] pulled [you] from the ashes. [He has] broken every curse. Blessed redeemer, you have set this captive free. Lord I can't help but sing faithful You are. Faithful forever You will be (Maverick City Music, Yes and Amen).
If you’re feeling stuck or if you need a reset, return to what we have learned. Return to the Scriptures. Read them. Know them. Understand them until they become the default response to situations around you. Over time you will begin to build the momentum of your faith. So that you can, as Paul says, be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:17 NIV).
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