Be Revived
Have you ever heard of the mid winter blues? It’s often described as feelings of sluggishness and intense periods that are carried by lack of motivation. We often feel more tired. And the truth is, these feelings can be more draining than being exhausted from a hard day's work. There are many tricks and tips out there to get past the mid winter blues, but what if we needed something more because mid winter now becomes spring or summertime blues? What if what we really need is revival?
The reality of our lives is that we need reviving on a regular basis. Coffee has a way of reviving [our] mind in the morning. Sleep has a way of reviving [our bodies] at night. A good laugh with a great friend has a way of reviving [our] emotions (Ryan Huguley, The Importance of Our Devotional Lives). Our bodies and minds go through cycles where they need rest and revival. But what about our hearts and spirits? If the rest of our bodies and minds need revival, shouldn’t our heart and spirit as well? The reality for us today is that it’s only God's Word by the power of God's Spirit [that] has the power to revive our hearts—the very seat of all we are (Ryan Huguley, The Importance of Our Devotional Lives). I believe the psalmist wrote this is my comfort in my misery, that Your word has revived me (Psalm 119:50 NASB). The Word of God has the power to revive us each and every day. To reveal in us something that is needed for the new day worth of adventures. And the more we read His Word, the more we study what He is saying to us, the more we will see ourselves being revived. And with revival comes change. The very Spirit of God uses His Word to produce this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23a NLT).
Scripture shows us a different way to live than what we see out there in the world and on social media. Scripture gives us the tools to go about our day. To stand firm in the promises of God because He is our basis of revival. Paul encouraged the Roman church to not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2a NIV). The renewed mind. The revived heart and spirit comes from a commitment to reading the Word of God and letting the Holy Spirit transform us from the inside out. Is there a reading plan you could commit to today? Ask a friend to join you or hold you accountable. The revival of our spirits can happen. Will you commit to studying what the Word of God says for your life today? Be revived this week!
The reality of our lives is that we need reviving on a regular basis. Coffee has a way of reviving [our] mind in the morning. Sleep has a way of reviving [our bodies] at night. A good laugh with a great friend has a way of reviving [our] emotions (Ryan Huguley, The Importance of Our Devotional Lives). Our bodies and minds go through cycles where they need rest and revival. But what about our hearts and spirits? If the rest of our bodies and minds need revival, shouldn’t our heart and spirit as well? The reality for us today is that it’s only God's Word by the power of God's Spirit [that] has the power to revive our hearts—the very seat of all we are (Ryan Huguley, The Importance of Our Devotional Lives). I believe the psalmist wrote this is my comfort in my misery, that Your word has revived me (Psalm 119:50 NASB). The Word of God has the power to revive us each and every day. To reveal in us something that is needed for the new day worth of adventures. And the more we read His Word, the more we study what He is saying to us, the more we will see ourselves being revived. And with revival comes change. The very Spirit of God uses His Word to produce this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23a NLT).
Scripture shows us a different way to live than what we see out there in the world and on social media. Scripture gives us the tools to go about our day. To stand firm in the promises of God because He is our basis of revival. Paul encouraged the Roman church to not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2a NIV). The renewed mind. The revived heart and spirit comes from a commitment to reading the Word of God and letting the Holy Spirit transform us from the inside out. Is there a reading plan you could commit to today? Ask a friend to join you or hold you accountable. The revival of our spirits can happen. Will you commit to studying what the Word of God says for your life today? Be revived this week!
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